Friday, 3 January 2020


Use this procedure to capture a user or service level trace of an IBM Integration Bus (IIB) message flow at an Integration Server level or a Web Sphere Message Broker (WMB) message flow at an execution group level.
User Level Trace : User trace provides more information than that provided by the entries that are written to the logs. Typically, you use user trace for debugging your applications, as it can trace brokers, execution groups, and deployed message flows.
Service Level Trace : Service trace provides more detailed information than that provided by the entries that are written to the Syslogs, Event Logs, Trace Node Outputs, or User Trace. Typically, IBM support uses service trace for debugging problems as it can trace internal calls in addition to the brokers, execution groups, and deployed message flows.
User Level Trace:
1. Start trace.
Open your IBM Integration console of related developer edition, in that just type below commands.
mqsichangetrace <brokername> -u -e <egroup> -l debug -r -c 50000

<brokername>---> name of the broker
-u ---> user level trace
<egroup>---> name of the executiongroup
-l ---> changing modes (none,debug)
-r ---> reading the content of user trace
-c ---> stored logs file size (in KB's)

The above command is used to capture the user level trace. We are changing none mode to debug mode for tracing the logs.

2. Put a message on the input node queue and complete the flow.

3. Retrieve the trace log for the specified component.

mqsireadlog <brokername> -u -e <egroup> -f -o flowtrace.xml

We will get trace logs in the form of 'xml'; need to convert into text format.

4. Format XML tracefile.

Here we are converting xml to text format.

mqsiformatlog -i flowtrace.xml -o userflowtrace.txt

5. The userflowtrace.txt will be in the current working directory. EX. C:\Program Files\IBM\IIB\ With the specified name.(flowtrace.xml and userflowtrace.txt).

Note: we can stop trace by typing below command
mqsichangetrace <brokername> -u -e <egroup> -l none

Service Level Trace:
1. Start trace.

mqsichangetrace <brokername> -t -e <egroup> -l debug -r -c 100000
<brokername> ---> name of the broker.
-t ---> service level trace
<egroup> ---> name of the executiongroup
-l ---> changing modes (none,debug)
-r ---> reading the content of service trace
-c ---> stored logs file size (in KB's)

2. Put a message on the input node queue and complete the flow.

3. Retrieve the trace log for the specified component.

mqsireadlog <brokername> -t -e <egroup> -f -o serflowtrace.xml

Need to convert xml to text. B/z logs will store in the form of xml.

4. Format XML tracefile.

Here we are converting xml to text format.

mqsiformatlog -i serflowtrace.xml -o serflowtrace22.txt

5. The userflowtrace.txt will be in the current working directory. EX. C:\Program Files\IBM\IIB\ With the specified name. (serflowtrace.xml and serflowtrace22.txt).

Note: we can stop trace by typing below command
mqsichangetrace <brokername> -t -e <egroup> -l none

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Enabling User level trace and Service level trace in broker

User Level Trace : User trace provides more information than that provided by the entries that are written to the logs. Typically, you use user trace for debugging your applications, as it can trace brokers, execution groups, and deployed message flows.

1. Start trace .
    mqsichangetrace <brokername> -u -e <egroup> -l debug -r -c 50000

    <brokername> is the name of your broker
    is the name of your execution group

2. Put a message on the input node queue to cause the failure to occur.

3. Stop trace.
mqsichangetrace <brokername> -u -e <egroup> -l none

You can also stop tracing, by going to Operations tab, and right click Message Flow, and click Stop Trace
4. Retrieve the trace log for the specified component.
    mqsireadlog <brokername> -u -e <egroup> -f -o flowtrace.xml

5. Format XML tracefile.
    mqsiformatlog -i flowtrace.xml -o userflowtrace.txt

The userflowtrace.txt will be in the current working directory.

Service Level Trace : Service trace provides more detailed information than that provided by the entries that are written to the Syslogs, Event Logs, Trace Node Outputs, or User Trace. Typically, IBM support uses service trace for debugging problems as it can trace internal calls in addition to the brokers, execution groups, and deployed message flows

1. Start trace.

mqsichangetrace <brokername> -t -e <egroup> -l debug -r -c 100000

2. Put a message on the queue to cause the failure to occur.

3. Stop trace.

mqsichangetrace <brokername> -t -e <egroup> -l none

4. Retrieve the trace log for the specified component.

mqsireadlog <brokername> -t -e <egroup> -f -o flowtrace.xml

5. Format the XML trace file.

mqsiformatlog -i flowtrace.xml -o serviceflowtrace.txt

The serviceflowtrace.txt will be in the current working directory.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

IIB Admin and Development Useful Commands


To List out all the Brokers created in the current installation
To create the Broker
mqsicreatebroker {BROKERNAME} -q {QMGRNAME} -i {USERNAME} -p {Password}
To create Execution Group
mqsicreateexecutiongroup  {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName}
To start Execution Group
mqsistartmsgflow {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName}
To stop Execution Group
mqsistopmsgflow {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName}
To delete Execution Group
mqsideleteexecutiongroup -n {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName}
To specify Debug Port for EG
mqsichangeproperties {BROKERNAME} -e default -o ComIbmJVMManager -n jvmDebugPort -v 8117
To List out all the deployed objects under Execution Group
mqsilist {BROKERNAME} -e default -k myApplication
To List out all the deployed objects that are configured Library
mqsilist {BROKERNAME} -e default -k myApplication -y {myEGLibraryName}
To return detailed information about Application
mqsilist {BROKERNAME} -e default -k myApplication -d2
To lists all deployed objects that are configured in  myApplication
mqsilist {BROKERNAME} -e default -k myApplication -r
To List out a summary of the EG that are defined on a  broker
mqsilist {BROKERNAME}
To display detailed info about all resources for brokers on Local System
mqsilist -a -r -d2


To activate the Monitoring
mqsichangeflowmonitoring {BROKERNAME} -e default -k {ApplicationName} -f {FlowName} -c active
To report the Monitoring
mqsireportflowmonitoring {BROKERNAME} -e default -k {ApplicationName} -f {FlowName} -a


To start the Broker
mqsistart {BROKERNAME};
To stop the Broker
mqsistop {BROKERNAME};
To register DSN with IIB
mqsisetdbparms {BROKERNAME} -n {DSName} -u {SchemaName} -p {Password};
To know whether Broker is associated with DSN or Not
mqsicvp {BROKERNAME} -n {DSName}
To give security for FTP
mqsisetdbparms {BROKERNAME} -n ftp::{SeuID} -u {SchemaName} -p {Password};
To give security for SMTP(Email Receiving)
mqsisetdbparms {BROKERNAME} -n smtp::{SeuID} -u {emailid} -p {Password};
To give security for Email Sending
mqsisetdbparms {BROKERNAME} -n email::{SeuID} -u {emailid} -p {Password};
To give security for JDBC Configurable Service
mqsisetdbparms {BROKERNAME} -n jdbc::{SeuID} -u {SchemaName} -p {Password};


To report the HTTP Listener Property at Broker Level
mqsireportproperties {BROKERNAME} -b httplistener -o HTTPConnector -a
To report the HTTP Listener Property at EG Level
mqsireportproperties {BROKERNAME} -e default -o HTTPConnector -a
To Change the HTTP Listener Port Number(Broker Level)
mqsichangeproperties {BROKERNAME} -b httplistener -o HTTPConnector -n port -v 7800
To change the HTTP Listener Port Number at EG Level
mqsichangeproperties {BROKERNAME} -e default -o HTTPConnector -n port -v 7800
To Trace the HTTPListener
mqsireportbroker {BROKERNAME}


To start the Application

mqsistartmsgflow {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName} -k {ApplicationName}
To stop the Application
mqsistoptmsgflow {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName} -k {ApplicationName}
To delete the Application
mqsideploy {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName} -d {ApplicationName}
To know the Deployment Status
mqsilist {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName} -d 2
To deploy the BAR
mqsideploy {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName} -a {BARFileName}
To delete the BAR
mqsideploy {BROKERNAME} -e {EGName} -d {BARFileName}
To read the BAR
mqsireadbar -b {BARFileName} -r
mqsireadbar -b C:\IIBWorkspace\DTPTibcoConn\BARfiles\ -r
BAR Override Command
mqsiapplybaroverride -b {BARFileName} -k {ApplicationName} -m {MessageFlowName}#{Property to change}
mqsiapplybaroverride -b C:\IIBWorkspace\iib9\BARfiles\ -k Test12App -m Test12Flow#TABLE=DEPT 

            MqsiReadBar Command

1) mqsireadbar -b <barfilename> (name of the bar file to be read)

2) mqsireadbar -b <location of barfilename>  >  <location of propertiefile> -r (Run the coammnd recursively content of application and libria is display)

                                              Mqsiapplybaroverride Command

1)mqsiapplybaroverride -b <location of the bar file> -p <location of changed propetie file> -r
2)mqsiapplybaroverride -b <> -k application -p <location of changed bar filename> -r(-b bar file name,-k application name,-r recursivley content display)                             
3)mqsiapplybaroverride -b -k application -y <libraryfilename> -p myOtherBroker.xml(-p property file name)

                                                 mqsideploybar command
1)mqsidepolybar  <brokername> -e <Executiongroup> -a <barfilename> ( -a barfileapplicationname)
2)mqsidepolybar  <brokername> -e <executiongroup> -d <barfilename>(-d for delete,-e execution group)   

                                                 mqsistopmsgflow command             
1)mqsistopmsgflow  <brokername> -e <executionname> -k <applicationname>
2)mqsistopmsgflow  <brokername> -e <executionname> -k <applicationname> -m <msgflowname>   
3)mqsistopmsgflow  <brokername> -e <executiongroupname> -m <myFlowname> -f <restartExecutionGroup>(-f for restart the execution groupname)   

                                                  mqsistartMsgflow command   
1)mqsistartmsgflow  <brokername> -e <executiongroupname> -k <applicationname>   
2)mqsistartmsgflow  <brokername> -e <executionname> -k <applicationname> -m <msgflowname>   
3)mqsistartmsgflow  <brokername> -e <executiongroupname> -m <myFlowname> -f <restartExecutionGroup>(-f for restart the execution groupname)   
                                                  mqsichangeproperties command
1)mqsichangeproperties <brokername> -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -n startListener -v false(disable http port,-o object,-v value,-n component,-b property name)
2)mqsichangeproperties <brokername> -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -n startListener -v true(enable http port )
3)mqsichangeproperties <brokername> -o ComIbmJVMManager -n jvmMaxHeapSize -v size_in_bytes(to change jvm heap size)
4)mqsichangeproperties <brokername> -e <ExecutionGroup> -o ComIbmJVMManager -n jvmDebugPort -v 8018
5)mqsichangeproperties <brokername> -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -n port -v 7843
6)mqsichangeproperties BRKR -o BrokerRegistry -n brokerKeystoreFile -v   /tmp/mb7brokerkeystore1.jks  (To add a keystore to the Broker)

                                                    Mqsibackup Command
1)mqsibackupbroker <brokername> -d <filedirectorylocationpath> -v <pathfilename>
2)mqsirestorebroker <brokername> -d <filedirectorylocatiopath> -a <zipfilelocation>

                                                mqsireportproperties command
 1)mqsireportproperties <brokername> -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -a(Display all the current HTTPListener settings associated with HTTP and SOAP nodes)
 2)mqsireportproperties <brokername> -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -n startListener(Check if the broker-wide listener is active for deployed HTTP and SOAP nodes)
 3)mqsireportproperties <brokername> -b cachemanager -o CacheManager -r(Display the properties for the cache manager)
 4)mqsireportproperties <brokername> -b httplistener -o HTTPSConnector -n port(Displays httpsconnector ports)
 5)mqsireportproperties <brokername> -c JDBCProviders -o Oracle -r(Report the properties of the Oracle JDBCProvider configurable service)
 6)mqsireportproperties <brokername> -o brokerregistry -r

                                                    mqsisetdbparms command
1)mqsisetdbparms <brokername> -n <DSNNAME> -u userID -p password(For setting database)
2)mqsisetdbparms <brokername> -n smtp::mySecurityIdentityObjectName -u myUserID -p myPassword(for setting SMTP SERVER)
3)mqsisetdbparms <brokername> -n jdbc::JDBC -u Username -p password(For setting jdbc database)
4)mqsisetdbparms <brokername> -n ftp::identityName -u user1 -p MyPassword(for setting ftp securityidentity)
5)mqsisetdbparms <brokername> -n sftp::identityName -u user1 -p MyPassword(for setting sftp securityidentity)

                                                        mqsireadlog command
1)mqsireadlog <brokername> -t -b services -f -o <pathofoutputfilename>
2)mqsifromatelog -i <locationofinputfilename> -o <locationofoutputfilename>

1)mqsideleteexecutiongroup <brokername> -e <executiongroupname>
2)mqsicreateexecutiongroup <brokername> -e <executiongroupname>
3)mqsilist <brokername> -e <executionname>
4)mqsistopbroker -i <brokername>
5)mqsistartbroker <brokername>
6)mqsicreatebroker <brokername> -q <queuemanager>
7)mqsideletebroker <brokername>
8)mqsicvp <brokername> -n <servicename>
9)mqsilist brokername -d2(To get all execution group Process id and running message flows)

TO set the log files in iib
1)Go to /var/logs create user.log and giver full permissions
2) go to /etc/rsys.log
set  /var/logs/user.log
                                                      Application trigger

3)Three types of trigger(every,first,depth)                                                      --------------------
2)switch to main root and create the script in  location /tmp/filename(Ex /tmp/ashok.txt)
3)Define or open ashok.txt insert the follwing command
/opt/mqm/samp/bin/amqsget QM1.LQ QM1 > /tmp/filename(Ex /tmp/sama.txt)
apply full permissions chmod -R 777 ashok.txt        
4) define process in runmqsc qm1
command::define process(proc) appltype(unix) applicid('/tmp/ashok.txt') (Appliction id is nothing but script location)
5)su to mqm and run the command runmqtrm -m QM1 -q SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE.

                                                       Channel trigger
1)Create one way or two way commincation
2)Dont start the sdr channel
3)Three types of trigger(every,first,depth)
4)Alter the tranmission queue

                                                        SSL on two way commuincation
1)First completed the two way commication
2)dis qmgr all (it display all properties of queue manager)
3)ALTER QMGR SSLKEY('/var/mqm/qmgrs/QM1/ssl/qm1') SSLEV(enable)(it is applicable to QM1 queue manager)
4)same apply for QM2 queue manager also ALTER QMGR SSLKEY('/var/mqm/qmgrs/QM1/ssl/qm2') SSLEV(enable)
5)open new tab switch to mqm user go to these location (/opt/mqm/java/jre64/jre/bin) {QM1 queue manager}
6)enter command ./ikeyman
7)open new tab switch to mqm user go to these location (/opt/mqm/java/jre64/jre/bin) {QM2 queue manager}
8)enter command ./ikeyman   
9)alter both QM1 and QM2 sender and reciver channels
 -- Do this three steps in BOTH Qqueue manager QM1 and QM2----
12)stop channel(senderchannel)
13)refresh security type(ssl)
14)start channel(senderchannel)
                                          Client server communication
1)create queue manager
2)create listener
3)create local queue
4)create server connection channel
5)setting athentication for channel
command:set channelauth(*) type(blockuser) userlist('nobody','mqm')
        set channelauth(To.QM3) type(blockuser) userlist('nobody')
6)create user test
7)vi .bash_profile
8)EXPORT MQSERVER=TO.QM3/TCP/'ipaddress(portnumber)'

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Implementing SSL on broker(Broker as consumer and provider) using ikeycmd

Assuming we have provider flow and consumer flow .

·We need to create key store and trust store for the broker ,Key store contains private key and public key .

·   We will be adding signer certificates in the trust store  of those who are trying to connect and then we need to add  both to the broker registry.

·For creating key store and trust store, we can use ikeyman tool or ikeycmd.

1)First create a key store using command :

ikeycmd -keydb -create -db C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\KEYSTORE\brokerkeystore.jks -pw sarasu10 -type jks

2)We need to create a certificate using :

ikeycmd -cert -create  -db C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\KEYSTORE\brokerkeystore.jks -pw sarasu10 -label IIBCert -dn  "CN=MB7Broker.Server,O=EidikoSystems,OU=OffShore,L=Hyderabad,C=IN"

3)We can check the certificate details using

 ikeycmd -cert -details -db /tmp/mb7brokerkeystore1.jks -label IIBCert

4)Now, we need to extract the certificate to get '.arm' file which will be shared with the clients if any. They will import this certificate in their trust store

ikeycmd -cert -extract -db C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\KEYSTORE\brokerkeystore.jks  -pw sarasu10 -label IIBCert -target C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\KEYSTORE\MyCert.arm -format ascii

5)Create a Trust store to store the others certificates if any.

ikeycmd -keydb -create -db C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\TRUSTSTORE\brokerkeystore.jks -pw sarasu10 -type jks


6)We need to add others  '.arm' to the trust store who are trying to connect in a secure way

 ikeycmd -cert -add -db C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\TRUSTSTORE\brokertruststore.jks -label IIBCert -file C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\KEYSTORE\MyCert.arm -format ascii

7) Add Key store and trust store to the Broker registry.

mqsichangeproperties BRKR -o BrokerRegistry -n brokerKeystoreFile -v   C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\KEYSTORE\brokerkeystore.jks

 mqsichangeproperties BRKR -o BrokerRegistry -n brokerTruststoreFile -v   C:\Users\bandaru\Documents\SSL\TRUSTSTORE\brokertruststore.jks

8)We can check the broker key store and broker trust store details of a broker using

mqsireportproperties BRKR -o BrokerRegistry -r

9)Now we need to use the mqsisetdbparms command to associate a specific user ID and password  with the resources that are accessed by the broker

mqsisetdbparms BRKR -n brokerKeystore::password -u ignore -p sarasu10

mqsisetdbparms BRKR -n brokerTruststore::password -u ignore -p sarasu10

10)Once done , we need to restart the broker.

mqsistop  <Broker name>
mqsistart  <Broker name>

11) In order to work with SSL we need to change the following properties

mqsichangeproperties BRKR -b httplistener -o HTTPListener -n enableSSLConnector -v true

mqsichangeproperties BRKR -b httplistener -o HTTPSConnector -n port -v 7443

12) Once change the properties check them using the following command whether they effected to the Broker or not.

mqsireportproperties BRKR(broker name) -e EG(execution group name) -o HTTPSConnector -r

Note1:  To connect to an SSL service from a SOAPRequest or SOAPAsyncRequest node(client side), you must configure a https:// url in the "Web service URL" box on the node

Note2:When using SOAP Input node message flow(Provider flow), the https listener at execution group level is used. The default https listener is 7843 that goes in the listening mode once the SOAP Input node message flow is deployed to the execution group.

Note3:Select the "Use HTTPS" option on the SOAP Input node in the message flow.


Use this procedure to capture a user or service level trace of an IBM Integration Bus (IIB) message flow at an Integration Server level...